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Supplier Zone

AXRO GmbH: Your global partner 

For more than thirty years, AXRO GmbH has been a reliable partner for manufacturers, customers and suppliers worldwide. We attach great importance to solid supplier relationships and always work in the interests of successful business for both sides. With our modern logistics centre in Hamburg and a storage area of over 10,000 m², we can efficiently store large quantities temporarily and distribute them worldwide. Our broad customer base includes well over 1,000 specialist retailers in more than 60 countries every year, which gives our suppliers the opportunity to open up new sales markets.

On this page you will find all the important information about our processes for invoices, quotations and notifications as well as the requirements for smooth delivery. We thank you for your co-operation and look forward to a successful partnership.


Contact requests, offers und and general communication to: 


Order Confirmations 

Confirmation adjustments and order confirmations to: 



Advised deliveries, delivery information and delivery notes to: 



Invoices to:



Payment requests and questions regarding payment to:

Adress central warehouse AXRO GmbH: 

AXRO - Warehouse Wittenburg

Alter Wölzower Weg 4

19243 Wittenburg


Warehouse opening times: 

Mo. – Fr. 08:00 am to 02:30 pm 

Advise a delivery:          

How to advise a delivery: 

1. Send the delivery information and the delivery notes to with a requested delivery date.

2. Give information about the pallet count and supplier.

3. You will receive a delivery reference and a delivery date.

4. You can deliver the goods with the delivery reference on the delivery date. You need the delivery notes in paper. 

5. You get a designated unloading ramp for unloading.

Delivery requirements: 

Loading area of the truck

Minimum width: 2,0 m

Minimum height: 1,0 m

Pallets: 0,8m x 1,20m x 2,20m

Packaging: pallets must be foiled and have an extra edge protection

Article:         original producer labeled without transport stickers 

Delivery notes: delivery notes must be printed on paper for unloading 

No unloading without delivery reference and delivery notes.

No unloading from the side of the truck (via ramp only).

Only truck which can we docked to the ramp will be unloaded.

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General Terms and Conditions of Delivery 

1. The following General Terms and Conditions of Delivery shall apply to all present and future business relations between AXRO GmbH (hereinafter "AXRO") and the supplier of goods (hereinafter "Supplier"). 

2. By accepting and executing an order from AXRO, the Supplier acknowledges these General Terms and Conditions of Delivery. Any conflicting and/or deviating terms and conditions of the Supplier shall not become part of the contract. AXRO's acceptance of a delivery from the Supplier does not imply consent to the Supplier's terms and conditions. Silence to an order confirmation of the Supplier with contradictory terms and conditions shall also not constitute consent to the terms and conditions of the Supplier. 

3. The Supplier warrants that the goods delivered by him are flawless, do not infringe any third-party rights (such as trademark rights, copyrights, patents, utility models and registered designs, general personal rights, etc.) and that the legal provisions, regulations, ordinances and standards applicable to their distribution and use are complied with. The goods delivered by the supplier must have all the necessary tests and approvals and be marked with test marks (such as CE, GS, TÜV, etc.). Any applicable license fees must already have been paid. In addition, duties (such as copyright duties according to the Copyright Act („UrheberG“)) must already have been paid by the supplier if the goods are subject to a copyright duty at the time of sale to AXRO. The copyright levy must be shown separately in the invoice in the amount applicable. In the case of direct import of goods subject to copyright levy, AXRO will take over the registration for the payment of the copyright levy. 

4. The Supplier warrants that the goods are properly cleared through customs or will be properly cleared through customs by him and are intended for sale within the EU/EEA. 

5. The Supplier shall fully indemnify AXRO against all claims asserted against AXRO by third parties due to non-compliance with the conditions set out in the above Clause 3 and Clause 4 and shall be obliged to reimburse AXRO for all damages and expenses incurred in this connection, unless the Supplier is not responsible for the breach of duty. A reversal of the burden of proof is not connected with this. 

6. Place of performance for all obligations and services resulting from the business relationship between AXRO and the Supplier shall be the registered office of AXRO. 

7. The contractual relationship between AXRO and the Supplier shall be governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Legal norms which refer to another legal system shall not apply. 

8. Subsidiary agreements, amendments or supplements must be made in writing to be effective. This shall also apply to the cancellation of the written form requirement. 

9. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all claims arising from and in connection with the business relationship between AXRO and the Supplier shall be the registered office of AXRO.

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Supplier Registration Form

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